Treat Your Backbone with industry specialist doctors

Surgery of spine is a critical issue and it needs to be dealt with extreme care and utmost precaution. So, do you think this could be acquired anywhere, hopefully not? You will have to consult a surgeon who is extremely expert in handling spinal surgeries. If you are looking to get it done in India, Bangalore could be an esteemed place for having the service of top spine surgeon in Bangalore.

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Find Best Scoliosis Surgeon in India at Sattvik Foundation

somewhere in between them. But, any angle that goes beyond than 10 degrees is taken to be as scoliosis. Doctors generally use the letters “C” and “S” to mention the curve of the spine. You generally don’t look at anybody’s backbone, but you would notice if someone is with scoliosis is the way they stand. Their standing may be leaner to a little or their shoulders of hips would look uneven.

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know about spine treatments

If you have any spinal disorder, this could turn out be a problem for the overall body. Our spine is connected to different parts of the body and controls our various activities as well. Preferably, our neck and mind are mainly controlled and influenced by the issues of the spine.

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