Get Treatment of Back-Pain by Spine Surgeon at Affordable Price

If you’re suffering from chronic back pain, you may be considering getting surgery to relieve your discomfort. However, there are many non-surgical treatments available that may be more effective in easing back pain, including physical therapy, spinal injections, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If you don’t want to undergo surgery, you can try non-invasive treatments first such as spinal injections and ice and heat treatment. Exercise is also a good way to help ease back pain.

Laser spine surgery

If you have been thinking of having spine surgery, you may be wondering about the cost. In fact, many health care providers don’t cover laser spine surgery. Some cover only part of it. One patient complained that Aetna refused to cover the full $70,000 cost of the procedure. Blue Cross Blue Shield, meanwhile, only covered about $10,000 of the $30,000 charge. Nonetheless, laser spine surgery can be a viable option for back-pain patients at a reasonable price.

When considering laser spine surgery, keep in mind that the procedure is not appropriate for all conditions. While it is a fast and effective cure, it is not a magical cure. Before undergoing surgery, you should consult a physician to make sure the procedure is right for you. Remember, however, that no procedure is a cure-all, and it is not suitable for every back-pain condition.

Physical therapy

According to a study by the Alliance for Physical Therapy Quality and Innovation, a patient who starts Physical Therapy in the first 15 days of experiencing back pain saves almost 50 percent on the cost of their treatment. Patients who receive Physical Therapy before receiving injections or surgery also save significantly on their healthcare costs. The cost of back-pain treatments can range from several hundred to several thousand dollars, and it’s best to find a spine surgeon who offers affordable rates.

Back-pain sufferers can also find some relief through spinal injections. These aren’t the kind of self-care options, but they are a safe and effective way to reduce pain caused by irritated or compressed nerves. Different pain injections are available, so it’s important to consult a Best spine surgeon in india before you decide on which one is right for your particular case. Corticosteroid injections can help provide short-term relief, and some long-term benefits are possible.


If you suffer from back pain, you should know that exercise is a very effective treatment option. Not only does exercise help strengthen muscles, but it also helps in increasing flexibility and range of motion. Exercises for back-pain also boost blood flow to the soft tissues, which promote healing and reduce stiffness. As an added bonus, the cost of exercising for back-pain is much cheaper than other forms of treatment.

In the past, doctors believed that back pain was related to anatomical or structural issue. But recent research has shown that psychological and social factors are also involved. Therefore, a biopsychosocial model of pain should be considered for this condition. Those with non-specific low back pain are advised not to consider it as a single condition. Researchers cautioned that chronic low back pain is not a single disease, but a mosaic of different conditions.

Disc replacement

Disc replacement for back-pain by a spine surgeon is possible in most cases at a low price. Most spinal surgeons use “same-day” surgery, which means the procedure is performed on the same day as the patient arrives. This is the most cost-effective option for patients who are healthy and do not have any spinal complications. Using same-day surgery means that a patient can be discharged from the hospital the same day. However, it is important to remember that same-day surgery is only suitable if the patient is not in any pain or if there are no spinal complications. This means that an inexpensive treatment option can be an option, but a short stay in the hospital can be a burden.

The second study compares the costs of three-level disc replacement and three-level spinal fusion. The study included billing records of 53 patients. As spinal fusion is one of the most expensive surgical procedures, it is not always the best choice for patients with back pain. But artificial disc replacement can result in better long-term results at a lower price. According to the lead authors of the study, patients who underwent artificial disc replacement had a lower hospital stay and a lower risk of needing additional surgery.

Spine Surgeon Available Near You for spine treatment

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Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Cervical Disc Problems

Spine Surgeon Available Near You for spine treatment

If you’re in need of a spine surgeon in Bangalore, you’ve come to the right place. Sattvik Spine & Scoliosis Center is a superspecialty healthcare facility in Bangalore that provides comprehensive care for patients with spinal problems. The center’s senior spine surgeon, Dr Yogesh K. Pithwa, provides surgical solutions for complex spinal conditions and non-operative care for patients suffering from back and neck pain.

sattvik spine & scoliosis center

The Sattvik Spine & Scoliosis Center is a superspecialty healthcare facility in Bangalore, India, offering comprehensive care to patients suffering from spinal problems. Senior consultant spine surgeon Dr Yogesh K. Pithwa is an expert in spinal problems and offers a full range of spinal care options, from non-operative treatment for low back pain to complex spinal solutions.

Dr. yogesh Pithwa is an orthopedic surgeon and a neurosurgeon who specializes in spine problems. He is a fellowship-trained spine surgeon who provides the highest level of care for patients suffering from scoliosis, spinal deformity, and deformity. His credentials are impeccable and his expertise is second to none. Dr. Pithwa has been practicing spine surgery for over 30 years and has treated hundreds of patients, including Hollywood stars.

The surgery is performed using endoscopy, which offers several benefits. Because only a small incision is made, the surgeon can operate in a way that eliminates unnecessary pain and allows recovery to occur quickly. Sattvik spine & scoliosis center accepts cash payments. For your convenience, Sattvik spine & scoliosis center accepts both credit cards and cash.

scoliosis center

Sattvik Spine & Scoliosis Center is a super-specialty healthcare center in Bangalore, India, that specializes in spinal problems. The hospital’s spine surgeon, Dr. Yogesh K. Pithwa, offers comprehensive surgical and non-operative treatment for back and neck pain. Whether you need a complicated spinal procedure or are experiencing chronic neck and back pain, the surgeons at Sattvik spine & Scoliosis Center will treat your problem with care.

The best spine surgeon in Bangalore can be found at the Sattvik Spine & Scoliosis Center, located at 41 “A” Cross, 18th Main Road, 4T Block, Jayanagar, Kottapalya, Bengaluru. The doctors at the center provide a full range of treatments for spine problems, from scoliosis to traumatic injuries.

The most effective type of spine surgery is endoscopic. Endoscopic technology allows surgeons to perform this procedure more accurately and without damaging nearby muscle tissue. With the minimal amount of surgery, patients can expect a quick recovery time and a lesser pain. During the procedure, the surgeon will make a small cut near the affected area to make it as comfortable as possible.


Exercise For Back Pain

Sitting all day can wreak havoc on your back and joints. Not only does it impair the ability to recover from a pain, it can also lock you into a vicious cycle of pain. As the joints are exposed to less stimulation, they tend to be more sensitive. To prevent back pain, you should take steps to stay active. You can start with Yoga, which strengthens your core, and low-impact aerobic exercise. exercise suggested by Top Spine Surgeon in india. Exercise for back pain

Stretching reduces back pain

You can find many ways to do gentle stretches to relieve back pain. These exercises are suitable for just about anyone and are easy enough to do anywhere, anytime. Not only do they help you stay flexible, but they also help you stay pain free and in great posture. And while you may be averse to doing them, they do work. Gentle stretches will help you feel relief sooner, but it is also important to remember to use proper form when performing these exercises.

Yoga strengthens your core

While most people think of yoga as an exercise for back pain, it actually does much more than that. While the core area of the body is considered one of the most important organs, you should also focus on other parts of your body as well. Some exercises that target your core include backbends and bridge poses. The first pose to practice is Bridge Pose. This poses opens the chest and shoulders while strengthening your back and core muscles.

Low-impact aerobic exercise reduces back pain

There are several different ways to reduce your back pain, but aerobic exercise has been shown to be an effective way to improve your symptoms. Low-impact aerobics can improve back pain by up to 70 percent, and is often as effective as physical therapy, exercise machines, and weight lifting. For many people, low-impact aerobics can be an excellent way to get back into shape. These exercises are safe and effective for people of all fitness levels.

Swimming aggravates back pain

If you’ve been having trouble with your back, you may have tried several methods to find a solution. If you’ve been swimming for years, but have recently begun to experience back pain, you might want to take a break from the water. While swimming is beneficial for all ages, improper technique may aggravate back pain. The following are some tips to help you overcome your pain while swimming. Read on to discover which techniques may help you recover from your injury.

Resistance training

A major benefit of resistance training for back pain is its ability to strengthen the core. Core stability is important for maintaining proper posture and allowing the spine to move smoothly. Without this, the spine becomes stressed and susceptible to injury. Core exercises are effective ways to strengthen the back. Many people are apprehensive about the risks associated with weight training, but many studies have shown that this type of workout can actually help reduce back pain. Here are some tips to consider before you start your next resistance training session.


A daily stretching routine is beneficial to almost everyone. It keeps muscles strong and flexible, and helps to reduce the risk of injury to the back. Stretching for back pain can help reduce the pain associated with certain activities and movements. Stretching exercises should be performed in a relaxed, unhurried manner, and should not be painful. Avoid sudden movements and hold stretches for 10 to 20 seconds. This will help you avoid injuring your back and prevent further restriction.


Spinal Deformity in Children: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

Spinal Deformity in Children: Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention

There are several types of spinal deformity. Listed below are some of the most common types and causes. You can learn about symptoms, diagnosis, treatment options, and prevention of spinal deformity in children. This condition affects the spine and may result in pain and reduced quality of life. Although it may not be life threatening, treatment is necessary for the prevention of further damage. Symptoms include back pain, slouching, and difficulty walking.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Cervical Disc Problems


Symptoms of spinal deformity vary widely. They depend on the type and severity of the deformity. A deformity without symptoms is called idiopathic, although some are inherited. Spinal deformities can affect a child’s bones, ligaments, and muscles. Sometimes they are congenital, meaning a child is born with them. However, if symptoms do occur, they may be mild or infrequent.

There are many reasons for a person to develop a deformity, including injury or age. Spinal deformities can affect the way your back moves, causing pain, strain, and even breathing problems. Treatments for spinal deformity may include physical therapy, medications, and surgery. But if deformity is stable, there may be no need for intervention. But if the deformity is unstable and progressing, it may not respond to treatment and may even worsen over time.


A physician will use several diagnostic tests to determine the presence of spinal deformity. These tests include a physical exam, X-rays of the spine, and a CT scan. Sometimes additional imaging is needed to determine the exact structure of the spinal cord and nerves. If these tests do not reveal a specific cause, the diagnosis may be a mild degenerative scoliosis. A physician can also prescribe a treatment to correct the deformity.

The most common reason for consultation is spinal misalignment, which may have multiple causes. In adolescence, scoliosis is the most common spinal deformity, and it is idiopathic in 80% of cases. In adults, degenerative conditions like osteoporosis may be the cause. Imaging studies will help a physician determine the precise cause of a spinal deformity and prescribe treatment. Treatment for spinal deformity depends on the extent of the deformity, the treatment goal being to prevent further progression and to restore flexibility and balance.


In some cases, a spinal deformity is a result of an underlying medical condition, such as osteoporosis. Treatments may include calcium, hormone replacement therapy, and weight-bearing exercises. In addition, adults may undergo bracing. While bracing will not change the position of the spine, it may alleviate pressure and pain. Orthotics may also help reduce back pain. Often, a team of specialists will work together to determine the best treatment plan.

A doctor can diagnose a spinal deformity by performing a physical examination and x-rays of the spine. The physician can evaluate the deformity by bending the patient forward and observing how it moves. Surgery may be needed if the deformity is severe or involves nerve root dysfunction. If surgery is needed, however, a spinal surgeon will be able to fix the deformity. After a thorough physical examination, your physician can determine which treatment is right for you.


Surgical intervention is not the only option for the prevention of spinal deformity. The etiology of spinal deformity is complex and includes genetics, biomechanical factors, and neuromuscular dysfunction. Advances in the field of clinical research are identifying the factors that contribute to the occurrence and progression of spinal deformity. Better prevention strategies are possible, thanks to the increasing understanding of the causes. In this article, we will briefly review some surgical interventions that have improved the outcomes of spinal deformity.

The research also suggests that identifying the patterns of spinal curvature in young children can help predict if these children will develop scoliosis during adolescence. Predicting the development of scoliosis could ultimately lead to better preventative measures. The study was led by Saba Pasha, director of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia’s Orthopatric Engineering and 3D Musculoskeletal Imaging. The results were published online in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.

Best Spine Surgeon in India – Dr Yogesh Pithwa

If you are looking for a specialist in spine surgery in Bangalore, then you should consider Dr. Yogesh Pithwa. His expertise includes Minimally invasive spine surgery. He has received multiple awards and has performed many complex surgeries, including post-tubercular kyphosis and posterior column shortening. Read on to know more about Dr. Pithwa.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Cervical Disc Problems

Discs in the neck are particularly vulnerable to injury. The nerve cluster in the neck connects the brain to every part of the body. This means that a problem in one area can have a profound effect on another. Cervical disc disorders affect the cervical discs, which can result in life-threatening symptoms. Surgery is always risky and not a good option for cervical disc problems. Instead of surgery, many people turn to Ayurvedic treatment for cervical disc disorders. top spine surgeon in India.

Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment For Cervical Disc Problems

Herniated discs –

Cervical disc herniation can occur because of improper posture. As the shoulders round forward and the head drifts forward, the postural muscles fatigue, causing excessive tension in the cervical spine. For every inch that the head is tilted forward, ten pounds of pressure is added. This excessive tension causes disc weakness, joint and ligament inflammation, and muscle tightness. Fortunately, the majority of herniated disc cases do not require surgery.

There are several types of surgical procedures for herniated discs. Most surgeries are performed on the cervical spine through an incision in the neck. The surgeon then removes the damaged disc and places a metal plate or bone graft to stabilize the spine. Multiple level ACDFs may be performed based on the amount of cervical discs involved. For some patients, artificial discs may be placed in the space. These artificial discs may also prevent premature disc disease in other levels of the spine.

Physiotherapy for a herniated disc

Physiotherapy for a herniation is one of the safest ways to treat this condition. It is a noninvasive treatment that can avoid the need for invasive procedures and harmful drugs. Most patients experience relief from their symptoms within a few weeks of beginning physiotherapy for a herniated disc. However, it should be noted that the outcome of this treatment will depend on the individual patient.

Herniated discs are painful due to the abnormal pressure on the spinal joints caused by trauma. Patients may experience pain in one or both legs, arm or neck. They may also experience numbness or tingling in the affected area. The pain may become chronic or cause weakness or loss of feeling. While the condition is usually treatable through conservative means, a physical therapist may recommend a more invasive treatment if other problems arise.

Alternative treatments for a herniated disc

Many people are unaware that they have many alternatives to surgery for herniated discs. The first option is physical therapy, followed by a high-dose steroid epidural injection, and finally surgery. Although the risks are low, it is still important to keep these options in mind. While a surgical procedure may be the most effective treatment for herniated discs, it can also cause nerve damage.

MRI is the most accurate imaging procedure for suspected herniated discs. It creates detailed images of the targeted area of the body, including the spine and surrounding bones. X-rays and CT scans may also be necessary to rule out other causes of your back pain. In some cases, a herniated disc is undetected, but a doctor can use an MRI to determine where the problem is.

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A Patients Guide to Herniated Discs

If you have herniated discs, you may be wondering what they are. Herniated discs are cushions-like pads located between the vertebrae. They can become weakened or herniated, pushing on nerve roots coming from the spinal cord. To learn more about herniated discs, read on. The following article discusses some of the common symptoms, causes, and treatment options. Get to know more information, take appointment with top Spine Surgeon in india.


Herniated discs are painful problems with the intervertebral discs that sit between the vertebrae of the spinal column. These discs are made up of a spongy, jelly-like inner core and a tough outer casing. When this inner layer breaks through the outer casing, the bulging portion of the disc presses against the spinal cord and compresses nearby nerve roots, causing pain. Herniated discs are a common complication of age-related degeneration and traumatic accidents.

Oftentimes, herniated discs are caused by trauma to the spine or back. These herniated discs can cause severe pain in the lower back or even the arms and legs. A herniated disc in the neck or buttocks can also cause loss of bladder and bowel control, though this is uncommon. This condition is referred to as cauda equina syndrome.


While age-related wear and tear is the most common cause of herniated discs, other factors can also result in a herniated disc. Specifically, lifting heavy objects, a sedentary lifestyle, and a traumatic event can lead to the disc to degenerate and rupture. People who are overweight are at an increased risk of developing herniated discs.

Discs in the spine function as shock absorbers. The soft gel interior is surrounded by a tough, outer shell. As people age, the discs begin to lose their water content, leading to a weakened core. Although age-related disc degeneration is considered the primary cause of herniated discs, other factors can also contribute. This article will examine the various factors that contribute to the development of herniated discs.

Treatment options

A herniated disc is a common spinal condition that can occur in any age. Herniated discs typically occur in the lower back, or lumbar spine, between the bottom of the ribs and hips. Discs are made up of a gel-like center and a fibrous outer ring. They act as shock absorbers, distributing weight-bearing forces throughout the spine. If a disc becomes swollen and hernated, the inner ring can bulge out into the space, irritating and compressing nerves. Treatment options for herniated discs depend on the severity of the condition and the patient’s health history.

The pain caused by a herniated disc is usually sharp and piercing, but can radiate to other parts of the body. If the disc presses a spinal nerve, the pain may also radiate to other parts of the body. A herniated disc can be very painful, causing a wide range of symptoms, from mild back pain to extreme numbness. Some people experience pain in the leg area after the disc ruptures.


Herniated discs are a common condition, with many different causes. These include repetitive pressure from heavy lifting, obesity, smoking, and low physical activity. Medical treatment for disc herniation is typically conservative, using over-the-counter medications and home exercises. While some patients benefit from surgery, the risks of this procedure may include neurological deficits and residual pain. Physical therapy is vital for most patients, and can be an integral part of treatment for herniated discs.

Standard X-rays are not always enough to diagnose herniated discs. However, they can help your doctor rule out other causes of your back pain. A myelogram, which involves injecting dye into spinal fluid and taking an X-ray, can help determine where the disc is pressing on the spinal cord. A CT scan, meanwhile, combines several X-rays to create detailed images of the spinal cord.

Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore