Allow yourself to get rid of spinal deformities like Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition which indicates the sideways curvature of the spine making the “S” or “C” shaped curve in the back which can be viewed clearly through the X-ray. As per the latest research, only in the UK, 3-4 children out of 1000 are affected by this ailment.

The scientists are basically focusing the new spinal system implant design and modification, operative and nonoperative treatment, adverse outcomes and complications and strategies development for more efficient and cost-effective treatment and have come up with solutions for treating this disease. Keeping all these views in mind the specialists Dr. Yogesh K.Pithwa and Dr. Deepa Y. Pithwa at Sattvik Spine Foundation giving lives to the patients suffering from this deformity.

Facts about Scoliosis development

It normally develops in children between the age of 9 to 14. However, it may also present since birth or may arise due to various health conditions which affect the people in the form of cerebral palsy and muscular dystrophy. The disease is not quite evident in most of the people

Most people with scoliosis have mellow impacts that don’t affect significantly on day routine. However, severely affected cases may show the disabling effects, specifically if the curve restrains the pulmonary cavity and ability to easy breathing.

Treatment Management

Both the doctors at Sattvik Spine Foundation uses latest technologies such as observation, bracing and surgery. After taking the case complexity into consideration, the doctors start treating patients and leave no stone unturned for caring and curing the patient and disease both.

Facilities at Sattvik Foundation

We offer all the facilities required for treating scoliosis. The X-ray machines, the surgical facilities, and all other related things are available here for patients convenience. So, opt Sattvik Spine Foundation for Best scoliosis surgeon in Bangalore and continue with your life normally.

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