Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore

Neck and back pain are common conditions in today’s world and can be treated in many ways. Some people choose to treat it with symptomatic measures, such as physiotherapy. Others opt for surgical procedures or medical exercise therapy. Whatever the case, these treatments are available at many back and neck pain hospitals in Bangalore. Fortunately, neck pain typically subsides with time without complications. Visit Top Spine Surgeon in india – Dr. yogesh Pithwa, get to know more.

Symptomatic treatment

Symptomatic treatment for back and neck pain is important if you suffer from acute neck pain. The pain will get worse with time and is often accompanied by numbness or weakness in the arms or hands, tingling or pain in the legs. Symptomatic treatment for neck pain can include muscle relaxants, physical therapy, a padded neck collar, or spinal traction. Your doctor can also order an MRI or CT scan to identify underlying conditions and recommend a course of treatment.

Conservative treatment

The most common way to treat chronic back and neck pain is surgery, but there are other treatment options. Conservative management uses non-surgical methods to manage pain. Often, back pain is treatable without surgery and is not considered chronic unless it has lasted for three months or more. Conservative treatments include medications, injections, and physical therapy. Many patients experience a reduction in symptoms and reduced recovery time compared to surgical treatment.


The best spine surgeons in Bangalore can handle both back and neck pain. You can consult with them to get an accurate diagnosis and determine which treatment is best for your condition. In some cases, nonsurgical care can be the only option for you if other forms of treatment are not working for you. For example, a cervical collar can help you recover after surgery while maintaining a cervical spine. In other cases, surgery may be necessary.

Medical exercise therapy

The spine is a complex structure with many components, including discs, vertebrae, ligaments, and large, mostly statically functioning muscles. Chiropractic care often involves instruction in proper posture and body mechanics. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, the patient may receive massage or traction to ease the pain. Patients also receive exercises for reducing back and neck pain. Medical exercise therapy for back and neck pain may be recommended if symptoms persist for more than six weeks.

Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore
Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore

Implantable devices

There are two main types of implantable devices used in back and neck pain treatments in Bangalore. One type delivers electrical stimulation to the spinal cord, while the other is a medication delivery device. Patients are given a light sedative before the procedure. The area below the collarbone is numbed with local anaesthesia. A small incision is made, and the device is placed. A small dressing is applied over the site after surgery.

Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Bangalore

There are several ways to treat your Back and Neck Pain. Physiotherapy, X-rays, Nerve tests, and pain medication can be effective for you. However, these methods are not appropriate for every case and need further treatment. In addition, you should seek second opinions. Listed below are some of the most popular techniques used by doctors in Bangalore to treat back and neck pain.


Physiotherapy is an alternative treatment for patients who have a wide range of physical disabilities and impairments. The aim of this therapy is to improve movement, muscle strength and flexibility, thereby resolving the symptoms of back and neck pain. Patients may seek treatment for a variety of disorders, including traumatic injuries, brain and nerve injury, and spinal cord injury. The treatments provided by physiotherapy clinics in Bangalore may also help prevent further damage to the body.

Acute back pain usually begins and goes away within six weeks, but in some cases it can last for as long as 12 weeks. It has been found to be associated with heart and respiratory conditions, poor sleep, and neuroticism, and requires a specialized pain management team to help the patient get better. Acute and chronic back pain are caused by a variety of causes, including falls, fractures, and arthritis.


There are many causes of back and neck pain, and X-rays are essential to determine the exact cause. Often, a doctor will request an X-ray of the neck or shoulder after an injury or persistent arm pain. Falls, car accidents, and sports injuries can all result in neck and shoulder pain. The neck is an especially vulnerable area, and injuries can result in spinal cord damage. Whiplash, a condition where a person’s head suddenly jerks back and forth, is one common cause.

Fortunately, the best back and neck pain treatment in Bangalore starts with a thorough assessment of your condition. The spine is a complex system of 33 bones, connected to each other by three joints. Each joint needs to move freely in order to function properly, and if you attempt to force these joints to move in an abnormal manner, they can break. The best treatment for back and neck pain involves a combination of conservative and surgical approaches to relieve the pain.

Nerve tests

If you are experiencing back or neck pain, you may want to undergo nerve tests. This type of examination is performed by physicians with special training in peripheral nerves. Using electrocardiography, these tests measure the electrical conductivity of the nerves to determine if they are healthy or if they have been damaged. The results of nerve tests help determine if your muscles are healthy or if they need surgical intervention.

A neurologist can help diagnose back and neck pain using a nerve test. This test requires a physician to insert a small electrical current into a major artery in the groin area. The signal then travels upstream, to the arteries around the brain. A normal nerve transmits a signal more quickly and stronger than a damaged one. It is important to note that these tests are not suitable for all patients.

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Top 10 Simple Tips to Avoid Back Pain Quickly

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